January 6, 2015

  • Hypermasculine males and malnourished females


    Everyone has heard about the Clovis culture, the paleoindians of New Mexico who killed mammoths using those big, clever spearpoints.  Now there is an article in the National Geographic Magazine about the people who arrived earlier than Clovis.

    Click to expand

    The earliest, earliest Americans (left) were risk-taking pioneers, and the toughest men were taking the spoils and winning fights over women.  As a result, their robust traits and features were being selected.  More than half of the men have injuries caused by violence, and four out of ten have skull fractures.  The wounds don’t appear to have been the result of hunting mishaps, and they don’t bear telltale signs of warfare, like blows suffered while fleeing an attacker.  Instead it appears that these men fought among themselves — often and violently.


    The women don’t have these kinds of injuries, but they’re much smaller than the men, with signs of malnourishment and domestic abuse.  They lived twenty-five years or less.

    The unsettling hypothesis is due to archaeologist Jim Chatters, co-leader of the team that investigated the Hoyo Negro cave in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.  It is speculative, of course.  We picture a gang of murderous thugs who stole and enslaved women.  Call it perhaps the huge testicles theory of migration.


Comments (4)

  • hahahaha - I love National Geographic!

  • I really hope they didn't say that the pre-Clovis people are actually the same Native Americans of today but with "different bone structure". Those gangster pioneers are either full European or some early form of Australoids.

    • By DNA analysis, they are full Native Americans. See the discussion about Naia the 13,000 year-old girl modeled in clay.

      I hope you will read the NatGeo article [ Link ]
      It covers all the origin theories including that 10,000 year stopover in Beringia. But, yeah, they like the "different bone structure" idea. When the gangsters settled down they evolved a kind of peaceful skull or something. It is a stretch, yes.

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